The art of translation: from pre-translation phase to post-translation phase (2 days)

This training is aimed at graduates in translation or linguistics, with the objective of deepening their theoretical knowledge in translation and using the right strategies for the finality of translated documents.

  1. Translation readability
  2. Classification and typology of texts to be translated
  • Pre-translation phase
  1. Rapid and effective methods
  2. Essential information and data for the translator
  3. Resource preparation
  • Translation phase
  1. Choosing the appropriate translation strategy for texts (theory and theorem)
  2. Search for key terms and concepts
  3. Initial review of the translation
  • Post-translation phase
  1. Evaluation of translation quality
  2. The triptych: Review - revision - quality control
  3. Layout
  4. Adaptation and localization of the translation


Certification training

Trainers graduated from European universities

Training rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology

Training available in-person or remotely

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